My Teaching Experience

Teaching is an opportunity to inspire and empower students. As an instructor, I believe in creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment that values students' unique experiences and ideas. By emphasizing collaboration and dialogue, I aim to foster a community of learners where students can share their perspectives and learn from each other.

Teaching Assistant at the College of Media & Communication at Texas Tech University.

I taught different courses, worked as a lab assistant and assisted different professors in their lectures.

Lab Instructor. MCOM 2310: Business and Professional Communications.

Spring 2022, 3 credits.

The purpose of this course is to acquaint first and second-year college students with the fundamental skills, principles, and contexts of communication in business and professional environments, with particular emphasis on verbal and nonverbal aspects of oral communication. Through this course, students have the opportunity to develop and refine their skills in presentations, interviews, and meetings, with a focus on evidence-based research and current trends in the business world. It is widely recognized that effective communication skills, particularly in presentation-making, are essential for success in a wide range of careers, and this course aims to equip students with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in these areas.

Teaching Assistant.

PR-2310: Principles of Public Relations.

Spring 2022, 3 credits.

This course provides a foundation for the public relations major. Students learn about the theory and practice of public relations, how public relations operates in organizations, its impact on publics and its functions in society.

PR-3308: Public Relations Practice.

Spring 2022, 3 credits.

This course introduces students to an overview of issues facing the public relations industry and the expectations of entry-level PR practitioners.

Lab Instructor. MCOM 2320: Writing for Media and Communication.

Fall 2022, 3 credits.

Spring 2023, 3 credits.

The aim of this course is to assist students in enhancing their professional communication skills, with a particular emphasis on writing. Through a range of writing exercises and activities, students have the opportunity to experiment with different writing styles and techniques, which will enable them to refine their skills and become more effective communicators. By the end of the course, students will have developed a solid foundation of writing skills that will serve them well in their future careers.